How to fill out a claim form for home insurance
Should you wish to make a claim under your policy, you should initially read the relevant section of the Policy Wording together with the Policy Schedule to check whether you consider the claim is covered by this policy.
Please contact us as soon as possible on +35 26600620 during office hours.
Remember the following points:
- You must at all times provide without expense to us, any information or help that we reasonably ask for.
- You must not admit, deny, negotiate any claim without written consent from us.
- You must tell the police within seven (7) days of discovery of any loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft, accidental loss, malicious acts or vandalism, and keep a note of any crime reference number or loss reference number.
How to do a complaint
Every effort is made to ensure you receive a high standard of service. However, if you feel that the service provided does not meet with your expectations then please contact us. The following complaint procedure has been designed to support you in addressing any concerns you may have.
If your concern relates to the way the policy was sold then please contact your agent who arranged your policy or us.
If you are unhappy with the way your claim has been handled then please write to:
The General Manager
Pitsas Insurances
Nikou Kazantzaki 1, 3rd Floor
8020, Paphos
Email: [email protected]
To help us to deal with your comments quickly, please quote your policy, claim number and the policyholder or insured’s name.
We will do our best to resolve any difficulty directly with you, but if we are unable to do this to your satisfaction you retain your right to have recourse to justice.
Your right to cancel the policy
Cooling off period
If after insuring with us and receiving your Policy, you subsequently change your mind, you have 14 days to write to the agent or intermediary who you took the policy out with or us, confirming that you do not wish to continue. Provided you have not made a claim in that period no charge will be made and any premium you have already paid will be refunded.
You may cancel the policy anytime after the cooling off period by writing to us or contacting your broker or intermediary. As long as you have not made a claim, we will refund you for the time that is left on your policy.
We or anyone we authorize can cancel this policy at any time by sending you fourteen days notice in writing. We will send the notice to the last known address we have for you. We will refund your premium for the time that was left on your policy as long as you have not made a claim.
Get a Quote:
Email: [email protected]