

700 70 500



Businesses choose Keyman Insurance to insure their key people because this policy protects them from any financial consequences when they lose these important people because of death or illness. The business is both the owner of the policy and the recipient of any benefit. There is an option of a life only insurance or of an insurance that includes critical illness. In case of a claim, the company receives a tax-free lump sum.
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Tax benefits and deductions
40 years insurance experience
Flexible pricing to suit the budget of your company
Great variety of contracts
US underwriters


Who are considered as key employees?
A key person is not necessarily the top sales persons or the employee who brings in the most income. Key employees can be organizers or planners, people who are familiar with the company’s main product or people behind trademarks, discoveries or designs. Usually these people are directors and managers but any employee who has insurable interest is considered.
What is the cost of a keyman insurance?
The cost depends on each life insurance taken and takes into consideration the age of each person, whether they are smokers, the amount of cover and the term. Given that all quotes are subject to underwriting, premiums could increase before terms are issued.
Can premiums counterbalance corporation tax?
Yes, since the company, as the owner of the policy, pays for the premiums which are tax deductible.
Are lump sum benefits tax-free?
They are paid tax-free to the company but are then subject to taxation similarly to any amount of money from a company.

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Contact [email protected] or
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