Public Liability Insurance (FAQ)
In a world where public health and safety are becoming more and more a priority, if your work requires you to work with members of the public, whether that is on site, in other people's homes or your own premises, public liability insurance is essential.
1.What is Public Liability Insurance?
Public Liability is a type of business insurance that covers businesses across industries if a client or member of the public claims to have been injured or had property damaged due to their activities. This policy is designed to protect business owners against claims resulting in legal proceedings.
2.What does Public Liability insurance cover?
It covers any claims made against your business by members of the public, clients, or contractors arising from either an incident on your premises or as a direct outcome of your operations. If your business is judged to be responsible, your insurance policy will cover legal fees and compensation payouts up to the limit of your policy.
3.Do I need Public Liability insurance?
This is up to you to decide, as it is not a legal requirement. If you regularly interact with the public, clients and contractors, however, it is highly recommended. Even if you're taking all measures possible to avoid them, accidents do happen, and a legal battle ensuing one could be highly damaging to your business if you don't have the means to face it.
4.How much does Public Liability insurance cost?
The cost of purchasing public liability insurance can vary depending on the type of industry you are in and how risky it is. The best way to work out how much coverage you need is calculate the possible extent of compensation claims and how much it would cost to repair damages, and formulate your insurance policy accordingly. Taken into account are the size of your business, how much you actually interact with members of the public, the level of risk associated with the nature of your business, as well as your claims history.
5.Does Public Liability insurance cover my employees as well?
No, public liability is not designed to cover your employees - it is only intended to protect you from third party claims made by members of the public. Your employees will be covered by the mandatory employers' liability insurance policy you need to have in place to protect them from workplace accidents or illnesses.
If you require further information about public liability insurance, contact us by email at: [email protected]